
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion District Review

The purpose of this work is to conduct an equity review to aid the School District as they develop culturally proficient guidelines including diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Evaluation and update of the current District Curriculum
Accommodation Plan (DCAP)
The purpose of this work is to evaluate the current DCAP to assure compliance with Chapter 71 Massachusetts General Law: Section 38Q1/2.
Special Education Program Evaluation
The purpose of this evaluation is to examine and review the current special education departments structure, curriculum, staffing; data; budget, documentation,
etc. The Special Education Evaluation can examine the entire department or certain programs within  the department i.e. Early Childhood; Specialists; 504

Too much on your plate? Let Seaside Educational Consultants turn your overloaded dinner plate into an easy appetizer! You are not sure if your district’s DCAP meets current guidelines and is being implemented in every school with integrity? … HOWEVER… you also need to comply with the mandate for an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Audit?  Seaside can combine the interviews and document reviews to provide the school/district with two reports( DCAP; EDI). These reports will guide the schools and district while keeping the school/district compliant with state and federal requirements. Contact us to further discuss all possible options.

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